Saturday, April 20, 2013

Happy birthday HIMAKOM :)


Bayangkan seperti tetes bening gerimis yang punya pangkal batas tak satu ragam. Ada yang memang bersih, ada yang sedang-sedang saja, ada juga yang tampak kotor walaupun tak ada yang bisa menjamin benar-benar tak ada setitikpun nila.

Ini diri kami yang punya panjang siku berbeda. Yang punya pendek siku berbeda. Yang punya lebar langkah berbeda. Yang punya warna kulit berbeda (sumpah kami tidak bermaksud untuk menimbulkan kesan rasis). Namun punya warna mata yang sama-sama hitam dan putih. Yang sama-sama melihat ke pojok ruang tanpa batas, secarik bayangan samar.

Ini diri kami yang secara tak sengaja turun dari berjubel kasur, tapi punya sejumlah tekad dan tak punya cukup jalan. Diri kami cuma bisa menancapkan batas garis yang kami coba untuk hidup dan melanjutkan hidup di atasnya. Kendatipun ternyata tak ada bedanya. Tetap terasa sulit ketika diri kami berlari di jalan becek berair, mencari sepetak tanah berpasir, mencari debu.

Tak apa kalau saja seandainya ada yang bermuka masam ataupun asin memandang dengan kemurahan hati semua ketidak-lebihan kami sambil mengayunkan kaki ke samping.

Lebih tak apa lagi kalau saja seandainya ada yang berbaik hati menuntaskan senyumnya, setidaknya untuk memberi kami secarik garis yang bisa kami telusuri sampai kami menemukan padang ilalang.

Diri kami tak punya modal apa-apa, cuma hati yang melengkapi mata. Tak ada yang bisa diminta harap.

Hanya ingin memiliki alas tidur dari kertas kosong tanpa kata.

Ini diri kami yang mencoba lagi menggoreskan cerita usang, namun lebih punya makna.

Cuma ini saja,
tak bisa banyak,
sebab besok ada ujian.

-Satu saat di pinggiran waktu,
Genta Wibowo
(Ilmu Komputer 2003)-


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

MOVIE The Movie ???

Okey, one quetion. What is it ? It's a movie, short movie. Well, it was made when i was in Senior High School with my friends. They are Lukman and Puti. And also Anas as the camera man. It is not the best movie, but it is unforgatable moment for us. :)

DEAR DIARY (unforgetable moment)


Well, i had to say thank you for my friend Lukas Sahta Ginting. Because of him, i could remember this video again. It's one of my best memory in my life to be one of student of SMA N 2 Purwokerto. :)

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Jogja Information Technology Session (JOINTS) 2013 TRILOGY

Jogja Game Session

This is mobile game development competition. If you have being an expert in game development or if you like to be a game developer. Just bring your mobile game plans and join this competition. COMING SOON
 Bussiness Game Session

Bussiness Game Session contains of two sub-event which are Bussiness Simulation Competition as the main-event and Bussiness Seminar. Bussiness Game Simulation is a competition in the form of Capital Markets Business Simulation with Virtue Trade Application.
Programming Competition Session

It's about algorithm and programming competition. If you love coding or make a program. Join this competition and take the prizes. And let the world know that you are the real programmer.

For more information, just visit the official site :


Are you ready to be a student of one of your favourite University? Have you prepared for the test called SBMPTN to make your dreams come true? Let us give you the solution. HIMAKOM UGM  will help you to prepare yourselves for the test in SBMPTN. We will hold a tryout which is called by TROJAN 2013. In this event, you will be more prepared and more confident for SBMPTN. Just make your dreams come TRUE with us ! :)

More information, visit the official blog :


Hi guys ! Do you want to learn more about graph design, web, linux, android, even learn about programming ? Or do you want to be an expert ? I have a solution for that. OmahTI Himakom UGM will give you all of those subjects. Just join this program for about 7 weeks, and you'll have an unexpected knowledge about technology. TAKE YOUR PICK AND BE A PART OF THE WORLD DEVELOPMENT ! :)

For more information visit the official homepage :